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Managing Results

The FormResult class provides methods for accessing and formatting form results.

[!TIP] From version 1.33.0 onwards, the FormResult class allows accessing the values of the form fields using directly property accessors, like result.title or result.listField. The property accessors are equivalent to calling the get method, so result.title is equivalent to result.get('title'), but it's shorter and more convenient. All the examples in this page continue to use the more explicit ways to access the values, but you can use the property accessors if you prefer.

[!IMPORTANT] Accessing the values using property accessors or the getValue method is considered the safer and preferred way to access the values. This is because the returned values are wrapped in a ResultValue object that provides a safer and more convenient interface to render the values in various formats.

asFrontmatterString(options?: unknown): string

Transforms the current data into a frontmatter string, which is expected to be enclosed in --- when used in a markdown file. This method does not add the enclosing --- to the string, so you can put it anywhere inside the frontmatter.


  • options (optional): An options object describing what options to pick or omit.

    • pick (optional): An array of key names to pick from the data.
    • omit (optional): An array of key names to omit from the data.


  • string: The data formatted as a frontmatter string.


const result = await form.openForm("my-form");
tR += result.asFrontmatterString({ pick: ["title"] });


this method has the following aliases:

  • asFrontmatter
  • asYaml

asDataviewProperties(options?: unknown): string

Returns the current data as a block of dataview properties.


  • options (optional): An options object describing what options to pick or omit.

    • pick (optional): An array of key names to pick from the data.
    • omit (optional): An array of key names to omit from the data.


  • string: The data formatted as a block of dataview properties.


const result = await form.openForm('my-form')
tR += result.asDataviewProperties({ pick: ['title'] });`


This method has the following aliases:

  • asDataview
  • asDv

get(key: string, mapFn?: (value: any) => any): any

Returns the value of the given key. If the key does not exist, returns the empty string "". It takes an optional map function that can be used to transform the value. If the key does not exist, the map function is not called.


  • key: The key to get the value of.
  • mapFn (optional): A function that takes the value and returns a new value.


  • any: The value of the given key.


const result = await form.openForm("my-form");
tR += result.get("title");

Or with a map function:

const result = await form.openForm("my-form");
tR += result.get("title", (value) => value.toUpperCase());

getValue(key: string): ResultValue or getV(key: string): ResultValue

Returns the value of the given key as a ResultValue object.


  • key: The key to get the value of.


  • ResultValue: The value of the given key as a ResultValue object. If the key field doesn't exist or is empty, returns an empty ResultValue object. Thanks to this, you don't need to check if the field exists or is empty because the ResultValue object will handle it for you.


const result = await form.openForm("my-form");
tR += result.getValue("title");
tR += result.getValue("listField").bullets;

Thanks to property accessors, you can also write the above code in a more convenient way like this:

const result = await form.openForm("my-form");
tR += result.title;
tR += result.listField.bullets;

For more details and examples, see the ResultValue documentation.